Statement of Comprehensive Income

(all amounts in Euro thousands)
Group Year ended 31 December Company Year ended 31 December
Notes 2017 2016 2017 2016
Profit for the year 44,297 127,330 13,391 16,819
Other comprehensive losses:
Other comprehensive losses to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods:
Exchange losses on translation of foreign operations -110,229 -200,509 - -
Currency translation differences on transactions designated as part of net investment in foreign operation -8,753 -40,174 - -
Income tax effect 1,969 9,039 - -
-6,784 -31,135 - -
Net losses on available-for-sale financial assets -577 -556 - -461
Reclassification to income statement - 322 - 322
Income tax effect - 40 - 40
-577 -194 - -99
Net other comprehensive losses to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods: -117,590 -231,838 - -99
Items not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods:
Asset revaluation surplus 12 252 577 150 -
Income tax effect 18 -73 - 43 -
179 577 107 -
Re-measurement losses on defined benefit plans 25 -112 1,475 -589 -2,067
Income tax effect 18 -182 624 170 599
-294 -851 -419 -1,468
Share of other comprehensive losses of associates and joint ventures -6 -13 - -
Income tax effect 1 1 - -
-5 -12 - -
Net other comprehensive losses not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods: -120 -286 -312 -1,468
Other comprehensive losses for the year net of tax -117,710 -232,124 -312 -1,567
Total comprehensive (losses)/income for the year net of tax -73,413 -104,794 13,079 15,252
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent -70,161 -61,137
Non-controlling interests -3,252 -43,657
-73,413 -104,794

The primary financial statements should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

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