Statement of Financial Position

(all amounts in Euro thousands)
Group Company
Assets Notes 31/12/2017 31/12/2016 31/12/2017 31/12/2016
Property, plant & equipment 11 1,466,046 1,573,235 252,944 242,777
Investment property 12 12,130 9,820 8,937 9,126
Intangible assets and goodwill 13 345,971 375,116 8,093 4,458
Investments in subsidiaries 14 - - 778,805 862,657
Investments in associates and joint ventures 15 160,904 170,803 - -
Derivative financial instruments 33, 34 1,434 1,386 - -
Available-for-sale financial assets 16 517 1,065 122 122
Other non-current assets 17 11,442 12,638 3,375 3,219
Deferred income tax asset 18 2,926 20,971 - -
Non-current assets 2,001,370 2,165,034 1,052,276 1,122,359
Inventories 19 258,204 248,924 65,410 57,768
Receivables and prepayments 20 179,634 196,108 67,849 75,892
Derivative financial instruments 33, 34 2,012 1 - -
Cash and cash equivalents 21 154,247 179,710 29,323 11,218
Current assets 594,097 624,743 162,582 144,878
Total Assets 2,595,467 2,789,777 1,214,858 1,267,237
Equity and Liabilities
Share Capital 84,632,528 shares of €3.00 (2016: €4.00) 22 253,897 338,530 253,897 338,530
Share premium 22 22,826 22,826 22,826 22,826
Share options 22 3,003 2,978 3,003 2,978
Treasury shares 22 -105,384 -101,453 -105,384 -101,453
Other reserves 23 723,716 839,364 540,288 538,403
Retained earnings 409,155 374,106 29,502 25,985
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 1,307,213 1,476,351 744,132 827,269
Non-controlling interests 62,459 76,465 - -
Total equity (a) 1,369,672 1,552,816 744,132 827,269
Long-term borrowings 24 820,382 710,965 379,218 310,678
Deferred income tax liability 18 39,644 56,597 6,078 12,438
Retirement benefit obligations 25 32,440 33,961 15,410 15,870
Provisions 26 30,172 22,498 6,944 4,215
Other non-current liabilities 27 6,711 5,952 3,795 3,788
Non-current liabilities 929,349 829,973 411,445 346,989
Short-term borrowings 24 56,825 129,499 32 42,442
Trade and other payables 28 228,433 266,584 50,981 44,439
Income tax payable 2,630 3,754 - -
Provisions 26 8,558 7,151 8,268 6,098
Current liabilities 296,446 406,988 59,281 92,979
Total liabilities (b) 1,225,795 1,236,961 470,726 439,968
Total Equity and Liabilities (a+b) 2,595,467 2,789,777 1,214,858 1,267,237

The primary financial statements should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

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