7. Staff costs

(all amounts in Euro thousands)

Group Company
2017 2016 2017 2016
Wages, salaries and related expenses 254,798 244,121 46,237 44,334
Social security costs 24,219 24,198 9,223 8,890
Fair value of share options granted to directors and employees (note 29) 1,433 1,620 974 1,376
Other post retirement and termination benefits - defined benefit plans (note 4, 6, 25) 14,033 10,349 4,475 1,665
Total staff costs 294,483 280,288 60,909 56,265

Group employees are employed on a full-time basis. The breakdown is as follows:

Group Company
  2017 2016 2017 2016
Greece and Western Europe 1,157 1,185 811 842
North America 2,198 2,049 - -
South Eastern Europe 1,253 1,282 - -
Eastern Mediterranean 824 966 - -
5,432 5,482 811 842
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