24. Borrowings

(all amounts in Euro thousands)

  Group Company
2017 2016 2017 2016
Bank borrowings 11,035 6,915 32 13
Bank borrowings in non euro currency 43,186 31,746 - -
Debentures - 87,938 - -
Loans from related parties - - - 42,429
Finance lease liabilities 2,604 2,900 - -
  56,825 129,499 32 42,442
Bank borrowings 24,901 30,766 - -
Bank borrowings in non euro currency 61,812 62,655 - -
Debentures 722,569 601,893 - -
Loans from related parties - - 379,218 310,678
Finance lease liabilities 11,100 15,651 - -
820,382 710,965 379,218 310,678
Total borrowings 877,207 840,464 379,250 353,120

The Company has the following loan facility agreements with the Group subsidiary Titan Global Finance PLC :

-Revolving Facility Agreement €184.0 million (maturity: 2022, floating interest rate)

-Loan Agreement €150.0 million (maturity: 2021, fixed interest rate)

-Loan Agreement €110.2 million (maturity: 2024, fixed interest rate)

Maturity of non-current borrowings:

  Group Company
  2017 2016 2017 2016
Between 1 and 2 years 177,968 39,588 - 51,736
Between 2 and 3 years 17,734 300,672 - 109,535
Between 3 and 4 years 317,478 17,492 146,189 -
Between 4 and 5 years 28,716 316,899 123,725 149,407
Over 5 years 267,386 20,663 109,304 -
  809,282 695,314 379,218 310,678

Maturity of non-current finance lease liabilities:

  2017 2016
Between 1 and 2 years 14 83
Between 2 and 3 years 68 39
Between 3 and 4 years 6,057 96
Between 4 and 5 years 4,961 8,498
Over 5 years - 6,935
  11,100 15,651

On 19 January 2017, TGF repaid at the maturity €88 million of the outstanding 8.75% guaranteed notes.

The Group subsidiary Titan Global Finance PLC (TGF) entered into a €300 million multi-currency revolving credit facility with a syndicate of four Greek and four international banks. The contract was signed on 10 April 2017, in London. The facility, which is guaranteed by Titan Cement S.A., matures in January 2022 and it will be used for refinancing credit facilities and financing general corporate purposes.

The Group subsidiary Titan Global Finance PLC (TGF) issued notes of €250 million nominal amount at par, due in 2024, with a coupon of 2.375% per annum, guaranteed by Titan Cement S.A. The offering was completed on 16 November 2017. The notes are traded on the Global Exchange Market (GEM), the exchange regulated market of the Irish Stock Exchange.

The proceeds were used by the Issuer to purchase prior to maturity €126.6 million of its outstanding 4.25% guaranteed notes due in July 2019 pursuant to a tender offer. The remaining proceeds were used for general corporate purposes including the repayment of bank and other commercial debt.

Pages: 12
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