Statement of Changes in Equity

(all amounts in Euro thousands)
Attributable to equity holders of the parent
Group Ordinary shares Share premium Preferred shares Share options Ordinary treasury shares Preferred treasury shares Other reserves (note 23) Retained earnings Total Non-controlling interests Total equity
Balance at 1 January 2016 308,254 22,826 30,276 1,807 -78,960 -117 1,017,304 285,504 1,586,894 118,391 1,705,285
Profit for the year - - - - - - - 127,444 127,444 -114 127,330
Other comprehensive losses - - - - - - -188,581 - -188,581 -43,543 -232,124
Total comprehensive (losses)/income for the year - - - - - - -188,581 127,444 -61,137 -43,657 -104,794
Dividends distributed (note 10, note 15.3) - - - - - - - -25,390 -25,390 -4,500 -29,890
Purchase of treasury shares (note 22) - - - - -24,265 -928 - - -25,193 - -25,193
Sale - disposal of treasury shares for option plan (note 22) - - - - 2,817 - - -2,381 436 - 436
Non-controlling interest's participation in share capital increase of subsidiary - - - - - - - - - 6,695 6,695
Share based payment transactions (note 22) - - - 1,620 - - - - 1,620 - 1,620
Non-controlling interest's put option recognition (notes 31) - - - - - - -1,254 - -1,254 -89 -1,343
Acquisition of non-controlling interest - - - - - - 5 370 375 -375 -
Transfer between reserves (note 23) - - - -449 - - 11,890 -11,441 - - -
Balance at 31 December 2016 308,254 22,826 30,276 2,978 -100,408 -1,045 839,364 374,106 1,476,351 76,465 1,552,816
Balance at 1 January 2017 308,254 22,826 30,276 2,978 -100,408 -1,045 839,364 374,106 1,476,351 76,465 1,552,816
Profit for the year - - - - - - 42,680 42,680 1,617 44,297
Other comprehensive losses - - - - - - -112,841 - -112,841 -4,869 -117,710
Total comprehensive (losses)/income for the year - - - - - - -112,841 42,680 -70,161 -3,252 -73,413
Share capital decrease (note 10,note 22) -77,064 - -7,569 - - - - - -84,633 - -84,633
Dividends distributed (note 10,note 15.3) - - - - - - - -8,463 -8,463 -3,867 -12,330
Purchase of treasury shares (note 22) - - - - -4,564 -387 - - -4,951 - -4,951
Sale - disposal of treasury shares for option plan (note 22) - - - - 1,020 - - -622 398 - 398
Costs for share capital increase in subsidiaries - - - - - - -481 -481 - -481
Share based payment transactions (note 22) - - - 1,433 - - - - 1,433 - 1,433
Non-controlling interest's put option recognition (notes 31) - - - - - - -1,532 - -1,532 -864 -2,396
Non-controlling interest's participation in share capital increase of subsidiary - - - - - - - - - 807 807
Acquisition of non-controlling interest (notes 30) - - - - - - - -748 -748 -6,830 -7,578
Transfer among reserves (note 23) - - - -1,408 - - -1,275 2,683 - - -
Balance at 31 December 2017 231,190 22,826 22,707 3,003 -103,952 -1,432 723,716 409,155 1,307,213 62,459 1,369,672
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