11. Property, plant and equipment


(all amounts in Euro thousands)

  Land Quarries Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
Year ended 31 December 2017
Opening balance 250,421 148,538 184,156 803,516 50,654 9,890 108,294 1,555,469
Additions 375 7,771 1,098 14,120 229 824 95,533 119,950
Acquisition of subsidiary (note 30) - - 978 - - - 978
Disposals (NBV) (note 29) -132 - -930 -600 -93 -47 -1,734 -3,536
Reclassification of assets from/to other PPE categories 13,030 1,757 13,028 71,675 17,430 3,709 -120,629 -
Transfers from inventories (note 19) - - - 233 - - - 233
Transfers from/to intangible assets (note 13) - 348 -67 - - - -813 -532
Transfer to investment property after revaluation (note 12) -220 - -975 - - - - -1,195
Depreciation charge (note 29) -3,554 -8,335 -10,586 -67,803 -11,087 -2,611 - -103,976
Impairment of PPE (note 29) -588 - - -2,145 - -5 -1 -2,739
Exchange differences -23,215 -15,507 -8,842 -49,631 -4,990 -301 -8,659 -111,145
Ending balance 236,117 134,572 177,860 769,365 52,143 11,459 71,991 1,453,507
  Land Quarries Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
Leased assets under finance leases
Opening balance - - - 197 17,569 - - 17,766
Depreciation charge (note 29) - - - -57 -3,251 - - -3,308
Exchange differences - - - -6 -1,913 - - -1,919
Ending balance - - - 134 12,405 - - 12,539
  Land Quarries Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
At 31 December 2017
Cost 274,741 207,705 376,053 1,651,913 227,261 58,662 71,991 2,868,326
Accumulated depreciation -36,373 -73,133 -197,438 -876,281 -162,713 -47,191 - -1,393,129
Accumulated losses of impairment of PPE -2,251 - -755 -6,133 - -12 - -9,151
Net book value 236,117 134,572 177,860 769,499 64,548 11,459 71,991 1,466,046
Pages: 1234
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