14. Principal subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures

  2017 2016
  % of investment (*) % of investment (*)
Subsidiary, associate and joint venture name Country of incorporation Nature of business Direct Indirect Direct Indirect
Equity consolidation method
Adocim Cimento Beton Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. Turkey Cement producer - 50.000 - 50.000
Companhia Industrial De Cimento Apodi (5) Brazil Cement producer - 50.000 - 47.000
Apodi Concretos Ltda (5) Brazil Ready mix - 50.000 - 47.000
ASH Venture LLC U.S.A. Processing of fly ash - 33.000 - 33.000
Ecorecovery SA (5) Greece Engineering design services for solid and liquid waste facilities - 48.000 - 40.000
Karierni Materiali Plovdiv AD Bulgaria Quarries & aggregates - 48.711 - 48.711
Karierni Materiali AD Bulgaria Quarries & aggregates - 48.764 - 48.764
Vris OOD Bulgaria Quarries & aggregates - 48.764 - 48.764

(*) Percentage of investment represents both percentage of shareholding and percentage of control

The annual financial statements, the independent auditor’s reports and the board of directors reports of the consolidated non-listed entities, which cumulatively represent more than 5.0% of the consolidated total revenues, or consolidated total assets, or consolidated total net profit excluding non-controlling interest (according to the par. 1c of the decision 8/754/14.4.2016), are available in the following website:

Significant Group structure changes

Fiscal year 2017

1) Merges of the subsidiaries Balkcem Ltd, Tithys Ltd, Zlatna Panega Beton EOOD, Terret Enterprises Ltd and KTIMET Quarries S.A. by their parent companies

2) Increase in percentage ownership of a subsidiary (note 30)

3) Acquisition of the subsidiaries Titan Investment EAD and Arresa Marine Co (note 30)

4) Liquidation of the subsidiaries Holtitan BV and Tyson Material Transport LLC

5) Increase in percentage ownership of the associates and Joint Ventures (note 15)

Movement of the Company's participation in subsidiaries

(all amounts in Euro thousands) 2017 2016
Participation in subsidiaries on 1st January 862.657 844.762
Share capital (decrease)/increase in subsidiaries -84.133 17.651
Provision for impairment of investments -178 -
Other 459 244
Participation in subsidiaries on 31st December 778.805 862.657
Pages: 123
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