18. Deferred income taxes

The movement in the deferred income tax account after set-offs is as follows:

(all amounts in Euro thousands)
Group Company
  2017 2016 2017 2016
Opening balance, net deferred liability 35,626 162,980 12,438 7,518
Income statement charge (note 8) 12,784 -71,869 -6,233 5,559
Effect of change in USA federal tax rate (note 8) -7,905 - - -
Tax charged to equity through other comprehensive income -1,715 -9,704 -127 -639
Additions due to acquisition of joint venture (note 30) - 1,605 - -
Fair value adjustments due to joint venture acquisition (note 30) - 2,062 - -
Exchange differences -2,072 -49,448 - -
Ending balance, net deferred liability 36,718 35,626 6,078 12,438

Group Company
  2017 2016 2017 2016
Analysis of deferred tax liabilities (before set - offs)
Property, plant and equipment 122,894 167,061 29,609 32,568
Mineral deposits 19,802 33,866 - -
Intangible assets 32,132 47,461 26 52
Unrealized foreign exchange differences -8,841 -62 - -
Provisions -342 1,455 - 1,800
Investments 584 1,392 - -
Receivables and prepayments 351 351 - -
Trade and other payables 161 635 156 631
Prepaid expenses 860 1,476 - -
Cash and cash equivalents 12 131 12 131
Other 565 1,471 - -
  168,178 255,237 29,803 35,182
Analysis of deferred tax assets (before set - offs)
Intangible assets -3,188 -8,125 - -
Investments & other non-current receivables -3,611 -3,598 --3,031 -2,979
Inventories -4,039 -4,213 -3,054 -2,615
Post-employment and termination benefits -7,996 -10,133 -4,469 -4,602
Receivables and prepayments -8,248 -8,364 -2,354 -1,584
Tax losses carried forward (note 8) -80,833 -156,206 -4,490 -6,582
Interest expense tax carried forward -2,057 -222 -2,006 -222
Deferred income -866 -1,280 - -
Long-term debt/lease obligations -3,439 -7,070 - -
Government grants and other non current liabilities -1,070 -1,123 -1,070 -1,123
Provisions and accrued expenses -15,392 -19,007 -3,251 -3,037
Trade and other payables -14 -8 - -
Other -707 -262 - -
  -131,460 -219,611 -23,725 -22,744
Net deferred tax liability 36,718 35,626 6,078 12,438

Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred income taxes relate to the same fiscal authority.

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