24. Borrowings

The weighted average effective interest rates that affect the Income Statement are as follows:

  Group Company
  2017 2016 2017 2016
Borrowings (USD) 4.44% 4.49% - -
Borrowings (EGP) 19.78% 13.81% - -
Borrowings (BGN) 2.51% 2.73% - -
Borrowings (LEK) 3.96% 4.85% - -
Borrowings (TRY) 14.47% 12.13% - -
Borrowings (€) 3.43% 5.22% 3.63% 4.80%
Finance lease liabilities (USD) 3.07% 3.06% - -
Finance lease liabilities (CAD) 4.00% 4.00% - -
Finance lease liabilities (EUR) 2.89% - - -

Bank borrowings in foreign currencies (including finance leases):

  2017 2016
USD 208,710 215,538
TRY 3,255 1,915
EGP 78,116 62,141
BGN 14,439 15,421
LEK 23,622 30,516
CAD - 2
GBP 30 73

The Group has the following undrawn borrowing facilities:

(all amounts in Euro thousands)

Group Company
  2017 2016 2017 2016
Floating rate:
- Expiring within one year 188,057 192,154 96,814 98,105
- Expiring beyond one year 314,330 319,944 59,826 130,654

The present value of the finance lease liabilities may be analyzed as follows:

(all amounts in Euro thousands)

2017 2016
Finance lease liabilities - minimum lease payments
Not later than 1 year 2,997 3,452
Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years 12,019 15,271
Later years - 1,789
  15,016 20,512
Future finance charges on finance leases -1,312 -1,961
Present value of finance lease liabilities 13,704 18,551

During 2017, the Group subsidiaries did not enter into new finance lease agreements. During 2016, Group subsidiary in U.S.A., Titan America LLC (TALLC), entered into new finance leases in the principal amount of €7.5 million with terms of six years and an average interest rate of 3.19%.


(all amounts in Euro thousands)
Year ended 31 December 2017 Long-term borrowings Short-term borrowings Finance leases Derivative financial instruments Other financial liabilities Total
Opening balance 695,165 126,272 18,551 -1,387 12,060 850,661
Cash flows 203,713 -149,427 -2,790 31,067 -61,744 20,819
Changes in fair value - - - -33,581 - -33,581
Transfer among financial liabilities -82,290 82,650 - - -360 -
Charged in the finance expenses 3,319 - - - 57,399 60,718
Other changes -2,113 - - - - -2,113
Currency translation differences on transactions designated as part of net investment in foreign operation 8,753 - - - - 8,753
Exchange differences -17,337 -5,272 -2,057 454 -193 -24,405
Ending balance 809,210 54,223 13,704 -3,447 7,162 880,852


Year ended 31 December 2017 Long-term borrowings Short-term borrowings Finance leases Derivative financial instruments Other financial liabilities Total
Opening balance 310,678 42,442 4,408 357,528
Cash flows 103,698 -78,449 - - -17,887 7,362
Transfer between financial liabilities -36,000 36,000 - - - -
Charged in the finance expenses 842 39 - - 14,159 15,040
Ending balance 379,218 32 - - 680 379,930
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