25. Retirement and termination benefit obligations

The amounts relating to defined benefit pension plans and other post retirement and termination benefits (defined benefit plans) recognized in the statement of comprehensive income in the account other expenses are as follows:

(all amounts in Euro thousands)

  Group Company
  2017 2016 2017 2016
Current service cost 2,490 1,860 763 994
Interest cost 909 964 238 249
Provision of past service cost for the following year due to the voluntary resignation plans 1,565 2,460 806 -
Return on plan assets -399 -431 - -
  4,565 4,853 1,807 1,243
Additional post retirement and termination benefits paid out, not provided for 347 445 228 422
Post retirement and termination benefits paid out, not provided for due to the voluntary resignation plans 9,453 5,051 2,440 -
  14,365 10,349 4,475 1,665
Amounts recognized in profit before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization and impairment 13,855 9,816 4,237 1,416
Amounts recognized in finance cost (note 6) 510 533 238 249
Amounts recognized in the income statement 14,365 10,349 4,475 1,665
Actuarial losses recognized in οther comprehensive income 112 1,475 589 -2,067
Amount charged to statement of total comprehensive income 14,477 11,824 5,064 3,732
Present value of the liability at the end of the period 46,502 49,297 15,410 15,870
Minus fair value of US plans assets -14,062 -15,336 - -
  32,440 33,961 15,410 15,870

Liabilities' movement recognized in the statement of financial position:

  Group Company
  2017 2016 2017 2016
Opening balance 33,961 31,018 15,870 13,087
Total expense 14,365 10,349 4,475 1,665
Re-measurement losses recognized immediately in οther comprehensive (losses)/income 112 1,475 589 2,067
Other -719 59 -838 -
Exchange differences -390 -1 - -
Benefits paid during the year -14,889 -8,939 -4,686 -949
Ending balance 32,440 33,961 15,410 15,870

Changes in the fair value of US plan assets:

  2017 2016
Fair value of plan assets at the beginning of the period 15,336 15,410
Expected return 1,460 664
Company contributions 274 423
Administrative expenses -207 -245
Benefits paid -936 -1,411
Exchange difference -1,865 495
Fair value of plan assets at the end of the period 14,062 15,336
Pages: 123
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